Injection Therapy

Injection therapy utilizes natural substances authorized by a licensed Injection Therapist for various indications such as pain management, aesthetics, organ therapy, and tissue repair.

Injection Therapy

Injection therapy utilizes natural substances authorized by a licensed Injection Therapist for various indications such as pain management, aesthetics, organ therapy, and tissue repair.



Treatment Options


Biopuncture is a complementary medicine technique that involves injecting natural substances at specific sites and point locations,  much like acupuncture, to stimulate the body’s self-healing abilities for various conditions, such as musculoskeletal pain, inflammatory conditions, allergies, and headaches.


Mesotherapy is a non-painful technique that involves injecting small amounts of natural substances beneath the skin or into the muscle, tendon or joint to treat various conditions. It is used for pain relief, cellulite reduction, scar treatment, facial rejuvenation, circulatory disorders, sports injuries, and certain dermatological conditions.

Vitamin Injections

Vitamin injections deliver concentrated doses of specific vitamins directly into the body to provide various benefits, such as improved metabolism, maintenance of normal skin function, mood enhancement, reduced water retention, increased red blood cell production, improved liver function, and increased energy production.